Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So this blog started because one of my homeboys asked me... "If your future husband bought u a Kmart ring and told you he would upgrade it in a year, would you still say yes" I answered honestly but what bothered me was the answers he had gotten from many other women.
1. NO
2. If he put it in writing he'd upgrade it

But I'm the only one that said yes. See our society is so stuck on material things. It saddens my heart that it's not about marriage anymore it's about the ring.. the wedding.. the dress.. Its not a marriage. This is why so many marriages fail. Why so many kids are raised in broken homes. My moms diamond is so simple and only a Karat which my father didn't get her until about 15 years ago.. they've been married for 30... Before that it was a simple band with gold nuggets in it from his first gold mine.

So why have you spiraled out of control. Why is our generation so lost. I believe with all my heart it's a lack of knowledge and a desire to BLING. Lack of knowledge of God and the sanctity he puts on marriage. When you get married you become one. One person. Its not about just you anymore it's about "we" "us" When you have problems it's not suppose to be a problem u bring to ur mom and ur dad and ur grandma and ur sister and so on and so on it's about bringing ur marital problems to the Lord laying them at his feet and trusting that he will deal with it. Another problem is so many women are so quick to cut their man off from sex... The bible states.
"The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." 1 Corinthians 7:1-5
Now lemme explain this a little bit...when you deprive your husband of sex he is now open to temptation to the devil. Even more then he already is. As a human being it is a need for most. To have sex and if your not giving it to your man then what do you expect. I'm not saying it's ok for him to go cheat... but if you cut him off you did open the door for the devil to creep his way in. Its not holds bar when it comes to a man and wife behind closed doors...

When you dont have the Lord in your relationship it's 2 people struggling even harder. Yes every girl grows up wanting a dream wedding with 10 flower girls and a million bridesmaids with a big diamond ring.. bur realistically... if your man gives you a ring and you turn it down because of where it's from.. then you really shouldn't be marrying that man... it's not about the ring.. its about the love and unity that you two share...

Get it together ladies... you all wanna complain about there being no good men... well maybe you're just not a good woman...

Again I dont care who I make mad with this blog... if you're mad... TRUTH HURTS DONT IT...


  1. I agree completely...the ring only symbolizes the commitment of love that should be there between the man and the woman. I think that women who are so hard up about the ring want it so bad because they want to prove to everyone they have that kind of relationship when they don't. If your man can afford a huge ring, that's awesome, but I hope my girls out there aren't substituting a material object for what should be in their hearts.

  2. wow im sitting here reading this and im like hey one of my exes bought me a ring from kmart and he proposed and i said yes not bcuz the ring blew me away but bcuz he thought enough about me to say hey ! baby i cant afford a big diamond but i want to show you im serious furthermore no we didnt end up getting married (thank god) but my point is i loved him so much we could have gotten married in k_mart lol bcuz i know what marriage is all about
