Saturday, March 13, 2010


Everyone keeps asking me what "hoodiesnheels" means... I've heard some CRAAAZY assumptions... but the hoodiesnheels is ME

I have 4 brothers and all boy cousins... it was literally My Grandmas, Aunties, Mom, and me... literally the only girl lol... so naturally I always played with the boys. The cousins and brothers and all their guy friends... so I'm a HUGE tomboy.. I know how to hunt out fish most of the boys I love to go play on quads in the mud... I have been beat up by the boys.. one time they took a cow hot shot to my stomach I had like 12 red spots all over LOL... so needless to say I'm tough and boyish... I love sports video games I can work on a car... BUT then comes the heels... I'm soooo super girly it's rediculous LOL I love pink... so I have pink camo LOL.... yeah yeah I know pink camo doesn't hide u too well in the woods when your trynna be silent and not seen by a deer LOL.. ne way... Hoodiesnheels is ME the tomboy and the girly woman that I am... :)

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