Saturday, August 14, 2010

WAIT!!! When Did Women Become Bitches And Barbie Dolls

OK ENOUGH IS ENOUGH call this blog hatin call me a hater call it what you want.. but I cant hold my tongue anymore. When did it become cool for a woman to self proclaim she's a BITCH? Excuse my language.. but this needs to be addressed.. how can any woman of class or virtue call herself a bitch? hmmm.. and this whole barbie issue.. why would you want to associate yourself to a plastic doll that is easily broken and just as easily replaced...

Is that how women feel about themselves these days??? They are easily expendable..(just in case you dont realize what expendable is.. it means not worth preserving: not worth preserving or saving for reuse) replacable.. I'm sorry but I know that I'm a one of a kind.. God only made one of me.. Ladies.. the Lord says we are above a rubies worth.. I dont know about you but I know that rubies and gems are expensive.. but I can buy a barbie for my lil girl for like $10.. I'd much rather be associated to a rare gem.. LOL this matter is getting out of hand.. so many women (can I even call them women.. ) I'm gonna say GIRLS are walking around with this notion that it is cool to be a barbie and for us to call eachother bitches.. But how do you expect a man to respect you?? You're a babie bitch after all right? Hmmmm I'm sorry if a man called me a bitch I'd be rather irritated... and it shows where a man places you.. I know he'd never call his mom a bitch.. but I guess since we as women want to call ourselves barbies why in the world would a man even respect you as much as he does his momma..

I look at this situation as a slight epidemic.. a disease.. see it's spreading.. women dont have values or self worth.. and it's clearly showing in secular music.. tv.. come on.. You have to get almost naked and call yourself a bitch for the male counterparts... (other rappers) to respect your hustle?? hmmm how about not.. and how about these ball players and rappers going on tv to find love??? WHAT?? First off no woman of any substance or grace is going to go on tv, have sex with you, kiss you after you've just kissed 17 other women, or make a fool out of herself by chasing you.. so why would you even want that kind of woman? UM HELLO can you really take a woman home to meet your parents that got drunk and naked on tv to win your love? smh hey mom this is my biggest groupie.. she only wants me for my money but I think I'm gonna marry her.. wont she make a great mom LOL get it together.. women are screaming WOMAN POWER but all your doing is making women look worse.. teaching our young ladies that it's okay to bounce ur butt on the poll and it's okay to be a groupie a gold digger and have absolutely no morals or values whats so ever..

I think it's time for women to stand up as real women and teach these lost misguided girls how to be a REAL TRUE WOMAN.. and it starts now.. God is very disappointed in us but it doesn't have to remain this way..!!!

Ive said my part for the day... I will be adding to this.. but so far I just had to let it out that my heart is saddened.. and I'm actually on fire about this right now..!! I love you all God Bless



  1. AMEN & AMEN!! "I think it's time for women to stand up as real women and teach these lost misguided girls how to be a REAL TRUE WOMAN.. "
    I couldn't have said it better myself... although i do remember posting a similar post a few weeks back. Thank you for confirming i'm not crazy! =0)

  2. P.S. I linked you for a Blog Award...something new to me, but I thought i'd share.
