Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Does being virtuous, as the Bible teaches, seem like just too much to ask in today's world? As your sibling in Christ and your friend, I tell you with all honesty, I understand what you're feeling, and I myself put virtue on hold for many years because I thought I'd be missing something exciting if I was a little Goody Two Shoes.

I have to confess that I purposely avoided seeking and learning what the Bible teaches about being virtuous, because I knew I'd feel guilty for not wanting to actually live it. I knew I'd feel like more of a sinner if I actually saw the words with my own eyes and chose not to adhere to them.

I felt like I was protecting myself, because I could plead ignorance! Very clever how the enemy of my soul CON-vinced me of that. Bottom line ... I felt like I just wasn't ready to be virtuous yet. I didn't want to be, I didn't care, in fact, I was so lost that I believed it was cool to be naughty.

I wish now that I had made different choices. I wish I had been smart enough to realize what a dangerous place my soul had been in, and how easily I may have been persuaded to do even more extreme things that would have landed my soul in hell if I hadn't been rescued in time.

I was very close to the edge of a cliff, so to speak.


  1. I can truly relate to this! I have felt the same way in the past. I am so very grateful to God for saving me and showing me that my way wasn't the right way.

  2. I can relate to you because I remember when I was having sex I often thought to myself that sure me having sex outside of marriage was wrong,but hey at least im having it with the man i love which was my daughters father and i also thought why change now ! ive been doing it and i have two kids so everybody already know im not a virgin,but thank God for restoration and second and third chances because now i know the truth and live it
